This sign is 18" wide x 12" high x 1" thick, with a dark blue background and the carved text gilded with 23kt gold leaf. The eye-screws are installed and to hang.
All posts by keith-admin
Camp Fitzgerald
This sign is 20" wide x 13" high x 1" thick live edge Cherry wood, with a natural satin finish.
Bear Path Lodge
This sign is 26" wide x 13" high x 1" thick live edge Cherry wood, with a natural satin finish.
Chipman Finish Carpentry
This sign is 30" wide x 11" high x 3/4" thick live edge cherry wood, with a clear satin finish.
This sign is 48" wide x 24" high x 1" thk. Carved in PVC material.
Lucky Stella
This sign is 48" wide x 16" high x 1" thick white PVC, with black text and blue outer border. Installed on a house located at the outer banks of North Carolina
Camp Cormier
This sign is 30" wide x 5-1/2" high x 3/4" thick Cedar wood, with black painted text and random rustic edge
The Cullum House
This sign is 24" wide x 16" high x 1" thick white PVC, with black text and outer border, the graphics and inset border are gilded with 23kt gold leaf
Shore Shack
This sign is 24" wide x 11" high x 1" thick white PVC, the text and cove cut edge are painted light blue
157 Nahant Road
This sign is 21" wide x 14" high x 1" thick white PVC, with the text and bevel edge painted dark grey, the shells are gilded with 23kt gold leaf